PX338 Pot – Hole & Loop Detector Repair

PX338 Flexible Resin for Pot – Hole Repairs


PX338 A – PX821B casting system is a material designed for pot – hole repair, and to seal Highway Loop Detectors: Very high abrasion resistance and physical properties. Economical and fast setting. Bonds to the existing tar.

Supplied in a 3,65 kg kit plus 12 kg mix of aggregate.  Density: 2,00




Contact with the skin should therefore be avoided. When working with PX338 protective gloves, safety goggles and overalls should be worn. Contact and/or contamination should be thoroughly cleaned with soap and water. 



The safety procedures applicable to the handling of urethane raw materials should be read, understood and rigidly adhered to. These are available on request from TECHNORESIN CC.                                                                                    


The information contained in this bulletin is, to the best of our knowledge true and accurate, but any recommendations or suggestions which may be made, are without guarantee, since the conditions of use are beyond our control. Furthermore, nothing contained herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product in conflict with existing patents covering any material or it’s use. The above data are offered for customer’s guidance only. It implies no guarantee. Customers must conduct their own tests to determine the suitability of the material for their specific applications.




Date issued: 1/10/2021          Version 21.1



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